The Big Cheese of Final Fantasy 14 and 16, Yosi-P Says It's About Time for a New Final Fantasy Tactics

The Big Cheese of Final Fantasy 14 and 16, Yosi-P Says It's About Time for a New Final Fantasy Tactics

In a PAX East interview with TheGamer, Final Fantasy helmsman Naoki Yoshida (aka Yoshi P), FF16 DLC director Taeko Kujiraoka, and localization director Michael Christopher Cage Fox, all of whom have long been dormant They showed their love for the long-dormant Final Fantasy Tactics series.

For one thing, they have no intention of using the FF16 setting as a jumping off point for a Tactics game. Yoshida said, "We don't want to make another story about the same story," and Fox said, "What do you want me to call it? Final Fantasy 16 Tactics."

"There are a lot of them.

Yoshida also questioned whether Final Fantasy 16's signature eikons (summoners like the efreet in the previous game) and large-scale battles would fit into the grid and turn-based format: "How do you do an eikon versus eikon battle in that style? If there is an Akon, how many squares will the Akon be?

Still, Yoshida said that the current Final Fantasy team members are "all fans of the Tactics series" and hinted at a bit of hope for the future of FF Tactics: "This series is good for storytelling [in Final Fantasy 16] and we love Tactics. It's about time we made a new one."

It's a faint scrap for me and my fellow Tactics lovers, but I wonder what Neo Tactics would look like in the current field. Indie developers have basically dominated the market with turn-based Tactics games using grid maps, many of which are deliberate homages to the Tactics series. Meanwhile, in the triple-A space, XCOM went inactive after revolutionizing the genre, and Nintendo's Fire Emblem series is enjoying life after Awakening came of age in the modern era a decade ago.

Will the new Tactics game be a more affordable HD-2D rendition of the classic? Or will Square Enix go for the big-budget approach? ...... Either way, it will be some time before a conclusion is reached, and TheGamer's interview with Yoshida discusses Final Fantasy 16's second DLC in more detail.
