The voice actor for Laeser says, "Baldur's Gate 3 is definitely better than any movie or TV show I've worked on.

The voice actor for Laeser says, "Baldur's Gate 3 is definitely better than any movie or TV show I've worked on.

Devora Wilde, who played Lae'zel in Baldur's Gate 3, is an accomplished voice actress, but she's also been on TV, appearing in the Channel 4 sitcom Hollyoaks. I think I'll be tuning in more when Chester is invaded by gis, though. [Recently, Wilde spoke on SlitherineGames' cooking show "The Geek Recipes" about her experience transitioning from TV and film to games, and how as game stories become more ambitious, games are taken more seriously, and games as art He talked about the death of the tired "debate" of whether or not they count (yes).

As for whether games can match the production value and scale of TV and film, Wilde noted: in fact, she said, "'Baldur's Gate 3' is, for me, arguably as good, if not miles better, than any film or TV show I have worked on. I can say without a doubt that it is superior to any film or television show I have worked on." Wilde, who was acting as Lae'zel during the game's early access period, said that Baldur's Gate 3's entire cast is "very fleshed out, very realistic.

Even in her short time in the game industry, Wilde says she has seen the game advance by leaps and bounds. She talks about Nika Yankovic, whom she played in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, where she played Nika Yankovic, a character who appeared in a short side quest. Even though she only appears for a few minutes, she has a story to tell and a life to lead.

When it comes to the work itself, however, Wilde feels that, unfortunately, there is still a lack of recognition. "I don't think people appreciate voice actors very much," she said. People say that voice acting is "just a voice," but it's more than that. ...... It's a skill, a very specific skill. Of course it's still acting, but it's a skill that you really have to learn."

For Wilde, "Acting is acting after all. You do the same preparation, you approach the character in the same way, you think about the motivations, and all of those things. Just because it's a voice project doesn't mean there's any less work to do for it."

Wilde also says that being in the gaming industry has introduced him to new hobbies. He says, "It's great to do other things, but what I realized, having little knowledge of gaming, is how much I love it."

"I've been able to do a lot of things that I've always wanted to do, but I've never been able to do them.

"Through projects like 'Baldur's Gate 3,' we can show people that storytelling can be as immersive, amazing, and entertaining as a TV show," Wild adds.
