Katsuhiro Harada, boss of "Tekken 8," bereaved fans help save his late brother's AI "Ghost

Katsuhiro Harada, boss of "Tekken 8," bereaved fans help save his late brother's AI "Ghost

Katsuhiro Harada, executive director of Tekken 8, offered a helping hand to fans whose brother died unexpectedly shortly after the game's release, explaining how to save the AI "ghost" of his brother's "Tekken" character.

Harada replied (via Twitter) to a Reddit thread by a Tekken fan who goes by the name Melodic_Insect1356. In that Reddit thread, the user explained that his 26-year-old brother had recently "died unexpectedly in his room." He explained that his brother was "a huge fan of Tekken and would spend hours fighting to improve his rank."

"I had hoped that we could eventually attend a local meetup here in Texas as brothers, but unfortunately that will never happen.

But his brother's time spent grinding produced Ghost, and Melodic_Insect's concern was that Ghost would eventually be removed because he had been inactive for so long: "I still like to play against my 'brothers' from time to time. Even if it's just a bad imitation..."

This post caught Harada's eye on Twitter, and clearly struck a chord with him. Because just a few hours later, he responded with advice he received directly from Kohei Ikeda, the (non-executive) game director of "Tekken 8": "My sincere condolences. If you download your brother's ghost and save it locally, you can always play against him, even if the data disappears from the server."

Harada continued: "If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.

I myself have sent message cards and other messages to many ceremonies. If it makes anyone feel any better, tell [Melodic_Insect] to contact me."

This is a sweet gesture from Harada, reminiscent of the famous story of the son who found his father's racing ghost in an old Xbox game and brought tears to his eyes. Harada's message reached its destination as well; on Reddit, Melodic_Insect wrote that he personally thanked Harada and Ikeda for keeping his brother's memory alive.

In his original post, Melodic_Insect wrote, "Thank you Harada-san and everyone on the Tekken team for giving me and my brother the greatest joy for the last month. The night before, the last time I saw him playing this game was the last time I saw him do it. It was great to play it before he left."
