Some of the Apple Vision Pro headsets have cracked, and Reddit is already awash with theories about this expensive "crackgate."

Some of the Apple Vision Pro headsets have cracked, and Reddit is already awash with theories about this expensive "crackgate."

All devices are fragile, especially those designed to be carried around regularly. But with a wearable device costing $3,500, you would hope it would be more rugged, although some Apple Vision Pro users have reported unsightly cracks in the middle of the outer screen after light use and have had their headsets replaced at their leisure, One user reported being told to pay a hefty AppleCare+ deductible for the repair.

While the headsets in question may appear to have been abused, most affected users report that the devices were handled with care (via Gizmodo). Some users report that the cracks appeared when the device was in the travel case while charging, and the r/Vision Pro subreddit reports that the headset did not go into sleep mode properly when the battery was charging, causing the device to heat up and expand, causing the glass to crack at its most speculation that the screen may have cracked at the weakest point.

Other theories include the possibility that the tightening of the strap caused the aluminum frame to "warp," or that the glass was exposed to extreme temperature changes.

Redditor TTAPeopleMover humorously summarizes useful tips for keeping your device in tip-top shape, such as charging the battery while in mid-air and wearing a neck-mounted fan to keep it cool during use.

While some people have had their cracked devices replaced free of charge, one user reported being told by an Apple Store employee to pay the AppleCare+ deductible. For reference, the "accidental" damage to the Apple Vision Pro is $299. Ouch.

Nevertheless, if you have to replace a broken glass cover without the $499 AppleCare+ "protection," you have to pay $799 for the privilege.

Well, I hate to say it, but I'd rather spend the same money on a few of my favorite VR headsets than buy a head-mounted kamaboko that looks stupid and breaks easily. Wait. Never mind.

In all seriousness, it is to be expected that the first units of a new device to reach consumers will have some issues, but given the absolutely tremendous price of the Apple Vision Pro, it is not surprising that these cracked screens are causing a bit of a stir Not surprisingly, some have already jumped on the inevitable "crackgate" moniker.

As an early owner of a Tesla Cybertruck recently discovered, when it comes to new technology products, money doesn't always seem to buy incredible quality. It turns out that early owners of Tesla Cybertrucks are susceptible to a little dreaded rust.

Remember, folks, you could be an unintended beta tester of a product that may be new and shiny and full of hype, but may not have all the kinks worked out yet. Early adopters may be the first to get the latest technology, but they may also pay the price of being ahead of the curve.

Unfortunately, it is that price. In this case, it's a pretty big crack.
