Fuel cell technology becomes more efficient when immersed in caffeine.

Fuel cell technology becomes more efficient when immersed in caffeine.

Fuel cells are one of those technological developments, like nuclear fusion, that occasionally show promise but seem to be at least a few steps behind in their practical application in everyday life. However, Japanese researchers seem to have made great strides in the efficiency of this technology, thanks to that wonderful magical substance, caffeine.

Researchers at Chiba University's Graduate School of Engineering have discovered that adding caffeine to the platinum electrodes of fuel cells reduces the interference with efficient oxygen reactions, and published their findings in the scientific journal Communications Chemistry. [Currently, the presence of water affects fuel cell performance by reacting with the platinum catalyst, so fuel cells must use large amounts of platinum, a particularly valuable substance, to maintain an effective reaction. [When platinum electrodes were immersed in an electrolyte solution containing caffeine, the ORR activity (oxygen reduction reaction) was significantly enhanced. This is thought to be because caffeine adsorbed on the electrode surface, preventing the absorption of hydrogen and the formation of oxidized platinum. Although the effect of caffeine was considerable, it depended on the specific orientation of the atoms on the platinum surface to be fully effective.

These results mean that researchers hope that introducing caffeine into the mix will eventually reduce the amount of platinum needed to produce fuel cells and achieve similar results to current units. Platinum is a very expensive substance, with the current price of 1 kg of platinum estimated to be about $29,830

, and the price of platinum in the United States has been estimated to be about $3,000



If this research continues to bear fruit, fuel cells can be produced more cheaply and more efficiently, increasing the potential for their mass use as a long-term energy solution.

Fuel cells have a clear advantage over rechargeable batteries, which have a limited lifespan, because they can generate electricity as long as fuel is supplied. Now, while your next gaming laptop is unlikely to have a fuel cell, the technology could have a wide range of military, commercial, and transportation-related applications. These include the development of non-nuclear submarines, such as the Type 212A diesel/fuel cell hybrid submarine currently in operation under the command of the German Navy


Fuel cells also have a long history, with Honda introducing its first mass-produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicle in 2002, and car companies such as Hyundai and Toyota introducing mass-produced models. However, the infrastructure needed to refuel these vehicles is not yet widespread, so while these issues remain unresolved, electric vehicles will remain the dominant technology.

Still, when good old caffeine is my next cup of coffee, take some solace in the fact that I too may be participating in something that will not only help me get out of bed in the morning with a good cup of bean juice, but will ultimately lead to cleaner fuel methods of the future! Let's get it.
