I can't get enough of this game": the actor who plays the most melodramatic spokesman on Super Earth plays "Hell Diver 2" nonstop.

I can't get enough of this game": the actor who plays the most melodramatic spokesman on Super Earth plays "Hell Diver 2" nonstop.

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Craig Lee Thomas, the well-known Super Earth spokesperson for the opening of "Hell Diver 2". It was revealed that Arrowhead has an impromptu Super Earth Wrap hidden somewhere on his hard drive, and Thomas is snickering at everyone's new favorite shooter.

"I can't get enough of this game," Thomas writes.

"I jump at every opportunity to squash bugs and stomp bots. Like many humble helldivers, he prays at the altar of the railgun.

"It really comes into its own in unsafe mode against Hulks and Vile Titans: "I've slept on Ark Throwers as support, but against chargers with good coordination teams, I can peel off the plates on their front legs, let my teammates have machine guns, and chew them up fast. I can do that."

Thomas also likes the AR-23P Liberator Penetrator and its three-shot burst mode. Thomas says that while he enjoys killing bugs, he also likes to fight automatons, which some players shun in favor of the easy-to-handle bug hordes.

"One of my favorite things about the game is that you can go between two enemy factions, but I have to say the automatons [are my favorite]. Sprinting away from four chainsaw berserkers as a mortar encampment obliterates everything around you is like a movie every time."

If you pay any attention to the community, you may feel that the community is in disarray, whether it's discussions about meta-builds or Reddit arguments with developers. However, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that happy players do not participate in internet forums. As evidence, Thomas has only positive things to say about the community.

"From both the Arrowhead side and the player base side, the community in this game is truly incredible. I've unlocked the Hug emote and will probably never take it off for the rest of my life," Thomas said, adding that "you can't beat the sense of accomplishing a goal and bringing it to bear hugs of democracy."

He also says he is playing with the voice of his trusted service technician, Sarah Elmaleh, who says, "I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do. It's hilarious to be on the mic with her on our ship (my ship is the Superintendent of the Liberty) and talk to her character while my character's PSAs are playing on the giant TV screen." [The Super Earth spokesperson is probably just a hired actor in the hilarious and hellish dystopian lore of Helldivers 2, but the real thing has boots on the ground and bleeds red against bugs and bots just like the rest of us.
