The "Baldur's Gate 3" speedrunner champion broke two world records in a matter of days with friendly fire, an invisible bear, and the power to throw a man off a bridge.

The "Baldur's Gate 3" speedrunner champion broke two world records in a matter of days with friendly fire, an invisible bear, and the power to throw a man off a bridge.

Baldur's Gate 3 speedrunner Mae, who had a remarkable run at AGDQ, shows no signs of slowing down: based on the strategy demonstrated at AGDQ, the runner set the BG3 all-act world record under 20 minutes, and the next day, the mega-hard permadeath He ran through Honour mode in 21 minutes and 17 seconds, setting another world record.

I did not notice any new strategies being displayed in these two runs, just faster and cleaner implementations. Indeed, there are still some strategies that are still important here in the any% run of the two acts. Also, killing your buddies and stuffing them into boxes and other characters' inventories seems to be the kryptonite of the Divinity Engine, allowing for all sorts of skipping and shenanigans.

I think the real highlight of the vs. any% run is how May handles the game's main villain. First up is the Shadowbear. Shadowheart is a polymorphed invisible man who repeatedly jumps on top of the Act 2 boss to inflict heavy damage (see also Orbital Strike by Owlbear). While the boss is stuck in turn, Shadowheart can continue to jump in real time.

Getting reverse pickpocketed in the tunnel to Orin the Red's pocket dimension development room is exciting, but my favorite is the fate of Lord Ember Gothash. May picks up this would-be tyrant in the throne room (so as not to cause a long cutscene), carries him 200 yards to his castle drawbridge, and unceremoniously throws him into the moat to be killed instantly.

It is quite possible that further improvements could be made to the record of the entire process. Two-thirds of these runs are devoted to Act III, and one can only imagine what optimizations are left to be made. In the meantime, you can check out Mae's YouTube channel for a back catalog of great speedruns and keep up with future updates.
