Twin-stick crafter-shooter base builder The Riftbreaker aims for ambitious 2024 roadmap

Twin-stick crafter-shooter base builder The Riftbreaker aims for ambitious 2024 roadmap

We haven't written much about the twin-stick shooting-slash-base-building survival game The Rift Breaker since its launch in 2021, but with its carefully constructed network of defensive guns and massive mobile killer mech suits Fans of slaughtering hordes of bad bugs and nasty monsters have enjoyed several years of expansions and major updates since then.

Currently, developer Exor Studios is working on a third major expansion to the world of The Riftbreaker, bringing the story of Stomp Mech and its pilot to a new biome, the swamp. They are also working on a much-requested multiplayer co-op game, which has been a huge success despite the fact that it was never intended to be a co-op game at all.

"While swamps on earth are often rather uncomfortable and gloomy, the Galatea Swamp is rich, colorful, and full of life. The unique creatures that inhabit this land exhibit adaptations not seen in any other Galatea species. There are several new species, including aggressive predatory plants that can attack anything that moves, and the plant life is extraordinary," Exer said of the upcoming new area.

The DLC expands the story campaign into the swamp region, but will be offered for free in a major new Survival Mode update, which, according to Exor, is "a massive upgrade and rework of many game systems you've had problems with." They include new gear, new research trees that are easier to see, etc.

One of the major new upgrades and changes will apparently focus on cool new weapons and a revamp of existing weapons. The power curves for weapons will be flattened and the functionality of weapon mods will be changed, as it is felt that not all weapons are actually useful in the current Exor.

Exor has also posted progress on a co-op multiplayer update focused on survival mode. Currently, the main issue they are having is that while they have co-op working, they do not like its performance and need to bring it up to an acceptable level.

"From that point on," they continue, "we will begin to introduce multiplayer-centric changes, such as adjusting difficulty, increasing player interaction options, and adding challenges. However, they are clear that everything is still in development: "As for a release date, we are still undecided. Our progress has been so fast lately that for the first time it feels like the end is finally in sight. Still, we cannot predict what challenges lie ahead and we hope to remain flexible."

The Riftbreaker can be found on Epic, GOG, and Steam, but primarily on the website An image of the roadmap is posted below, but all roadmap updates - posted in January 2024 - can be found on Steam.
