Dungeons & Dragons Comes to VR

Dungeons & Dragons Comes to VR

"Demeo" is a video game adaptation of tabletop dungeon crawling, and we liked it a lot: Weekend Editor Jodi McGregor described the game as "like having a monster manual thrown in your face." The studio that developed that game, Resolution Games, is currently developing its first official VR game, Dungeons & Dragons, in partnership with Wizards of the Coast, expanding on Demeo's D&D roots in a bigger way.

"As anyone who has played Demeo can imagine, we are big fans of tabletop role-playing games," said Tommy Palm, founder and CEO of Resolution Games. [Dungeons & Dragons] offers one of the richest fantasy worlds ever created, and each new sourcebook and adventure expands that world further. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with such a great IP and look forward to sharing the first details of this new project in the future.

And yes, this is the unfortunate part of this announcement: we have no information beyond the fact that a D&D VR game is coming to fruition. We don't even have a proper title at this point. Still, it is interesting for several reasons. For one, Demeo has done a very good job of recreating the classic D&D atmosphere, and now that Resolution Games has full access to the real thing, it's reasonable to expect (or at least hope) that something good can be done. [The success of "Baldur's Gate 3" also proves that the D&D license still carries weight: yes, it is a sequel to a beloved CRPG from 20 years ago, but as much as we'd like to think otherwise, that doesn't actually guarantee great mainstream success. However, "BG3" has completely demolished that. Perhaps I'm exaggerating a bit, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if some people think, "I enjoyed that D&D video game experience, so I might enjoy this one, too."

The VR requirement is obviously a limiting factor, but it's not necessarily etched in stone forever: "Demeo" was originally released for VR in 2021, but a regular PC version was released a year later. Eugene Evans, SVP of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro, seemed to hint at that possibility in his announcement.

"Resolution Games clearly understands how to bring players together and bring the fun of tabletop gaming to a digital platform in an approachable way. They are the ideal partner to bring the new Dungeons & Dragons video game to VR and beyond."

A proper unveiling of the new D&D VR game will take place "in the future."
