Baldur's Gate 3 player discovers an edge case the game doesn't anticipate: reverse-picking a dead wizard into a demon's inventory like a Trojan nuke.

Baldur's Gate 3 player discovers an edge case the game doesn't anticipate: reverse-picking a dead wizard into a demon's inventory like a Trojan nuke.

There are many choices in "Baldur's Gate 3". Larian is almost always available for those choices. In a recent play, instead of taking a particular character to a particular corpse for a story quest, he picked up the corpse and returned it to camp, like a cat bringing its owner a dead bird. The dialogue still worked (although you had to bring them into the party) except for one or two unconnected lines.

However, one player discovered an edge case scenario that the game did not consider at all. Spoilers for Act 1 and Gail's story, as well as a bit of Act 3, follow.

As outlined by ThePawn08 on the game's subreddit, reverse-picking a dead wizard into a demon incarnate is not on the list of things Larian thought to program. FYI: Gale of Waterdeep (the orb researcher, all-around goofball) has a Neceles magic sphere in his chest that functions like a nuclear weapon when he dies.

However, its range is not infinite, and he claims that if he loses control of it, he will find a cozy remote place to nuke it. This is later confirmed, but for this we must issue another spoiler warning. If Gail dies and is not revived, the bomb will explode, and two long rests will result in game over.

After all, there are several ways to place Gail's body in another plane of existence, hundreds of miles away. One such theory was tested when ThePawn08 received a visit from Raphael:

"I placed Raphael in my camp because he did not speak to me near Blighted Village.

In theory, this should mean that Rafael took Gail's entire corpse (unaware that he was carrying it) back to Nine Hells and Hope. Gale explodes and the schemer is annihilated along with him; only when ThePawn08 takes a long rest does a "long black screen" appear, then the game is over, and the ingenuity pays off.

Raphael may have noticed the corpse when he returned home and dumped it on the material plane. But the complete absence of cutscenes suggests, I think, that the game is just throwing up its hands and doing the best it can with the code it has.

It would be funny, especially if there were some unique cutscenes. A pissed off demon comes in bang, dumps Gale five meters away from where the party is sleeping, and bangs out without saying another word. Mintara is a fully developed companion character, and many players miss her on their first visit.

Another player tried this with Act 3's unique interaction that can send Gail's body to another continent - as Misaka9982 wrote, "I sent Gail to Chult on the Djinni express and let her die there. Still game over." This refers to "Akavi's Circle of Wonders," a mini-game in the Last Days of the Circus. If you invoke a spirit by cheating, you are sent to Chult, a remote jungle hundreds of miles away.

This is a unique edge case scenario, and I can't blame Larian for not covering it. Vaporizing Rafael would have blown up a number of important late-game story arcs. As for being unpredictable, "sneaking a whole corpse into the devil's pocket" is certainly one of them.
