A commemorative mega-dungeon will be built in honor of legendary D&D and video game designer Jenelle Jaquays.

A commemorative mega-dungeon will be built in honor of legendary D&D and video game designer Jenelle Jaquays.

Even if you've never heard of Jennell Jaquays, you've probably explored the tabletop RPG dungeons she created or played the Quake levels she designed. The legendary designer and developer's passing last week brought a wide range of mourning from across the industry, but nothing seems more fitting to her legacy than a new attempt to create a crowdsourced memorial megadungeon in her honor. [Return to Perinthos is being organized by tabletop designer Violet Ballard of RV Games, and over the next two weeks, we'll be working on a fully written and illustrated portion of the dungeon, or components such as maps and map keys, to be created by organizers and The event will be open to a variety of content, including fully written and illustrated portions of the dungeon, or components such as maps and map keys embodied by the organizers and volunteers.

Once a sufficient number of submissions are received, a crowdfunding campaign will be launched, which will be compiled into a book and printed.

If you are not familiar with the concept of a mega-dungeon, it is... Yes, a big dungeon. That is, big enough to set the stage for a tabletop campaign in its own right, with not only vast rooms and encounters, but often featuring a variety of factions.Return to Perinthos is a vast and influential dungeon created by Jaquays in 1979 with a Greek mythology theme inspired by The Caverns of Thracia, but Ballard ultimately "wanted to create a dungeon that would represent all aspects of Jennell Jaquays' career, from Old School to Dungeons & Dragons to Traveller to Quake and everything in between. He hopes to "represent all aspects of every part of his career.

If you would like to contribute a page or volunteer to help edit the book, please visit itch.io and sign up. Donations can also be made directly to the Jaquays family through the Jaquays' fundraising efforts for medical expenses.
