Eighteen years later, the incomparable comic timing of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is still enough to go viral.

Eighteen years later, the incomparable comic timing of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is still enough to go viral.

"Oblivion" is not many people's favorite "Elder Scrolls" game. Its title is usually given to either its predecessor or successor, but it is arguably the most entertaining game. Yes, "Morrowind" had a "lecherous Argonian maid," and "Skyrim" sent you to the moon every time you got hit by a giant, but the technology and acting in "Oblivion" combine with perfect alchemy to create effortless comedy without effort. [New Blood's Dave Oshry's tweet about the game's "Whodunit" quest, in which the paranoid Neville annihilates the "naughty" Nels with a single strike of lightning, accidentally led to a hilarious Vinesauce video (another Twitter user, NotRollingTim posted), which drew my attention to the following.

Well, it just got the ball rolling, and soon an entire section of Twitter was flooded with everyone's favorite clips on one of the most beautiful junk games ever put on the market. A wood elf knight calmly utters, "Farewell," as he pushes his way through a dungeon trap toward a nest of spikes on the ceiling. There's the perverted snowman. There is the man who suddenly gets dragged into six different dimensions in the middle of a conversation. This game has it all. Don't worry, I'll list them below.

But as much as the clip made me think, and as much as I complain that Bethesda's recent games don't feel amazingly different technically or structurally from the template set in Oblivion, I'm not sure that in the present day, compared to back in 2006, this stuff I feel that I encounter far fewer of them.

On the one hand, that's a good thing. But I have to admit that the nostalgic part of me misses the charming fragility of these old games. It's not that Bethesda games don't have bugs anymore, and if they do, it's not so much that people go to God in the middle of chatting about mad clubs. Or maybe I'm playing it wrong.

At any rate, here are some of my absolute favorites from the clips posted so far. Oblivion, whatever they say, don't listen.
