Three types of slow motion have been added to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, as well as accessibility updates and performance tweaks.

Three types of slow motion have been added to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, as well as accessibility updates and performance tweaks.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an unexpectedly solid game from an accessibility standpoint. Not only is the difficulty option soul-like, but I gave it kudos for having the best colorblindness option I've seen recently (verified with my own colorblind eyes).

Patch 8 added several upgrades for players with disabilities. Game speed can be slowed down by 30%, 50%, or 75% of the original speed. Just because someone needs assistance does not mean that they want the game to be completely untouchable. Giving the player a degree of tuning is always welcome and a great way to take screenshots.

Respawn has also added active and passive audio pings for blind players, and as highlighted by AZZATRU on YouTube, what is impressive about this system is that each audio ping has a unique noise that is. For example, Cal can "push," "pull," "lift," and "slam" objects in the environment.

There is also a high contrast mode that desaturates the environment while keeping the colors of the "narrative and gameplay elements" intact. I was already amazed by the accessibility of color blindness, but this came in handy for me. Indeed, thanks to it, the game looks like this:

However, I would have used it purely because there is an option to switch it on and off with a shortcut. The more comprehensive and customizable the accessibility options are, the more they can help people. It seems like an obvious thing to say out loud, but there are many games where you can't choose the level of assistance.

The patch notes also mention "fixes for performance and stability on all platforms," but are vague on the details. For all the positives discussed here, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor had unacceptable performance issues at launch for the PC version. Nevertheless, the situation has improved considerably since then, and beneath the frame rate woes lies a very good game.
