TikToker is intentionally trying to create the worst video game ever.

TikToker is intentionally trying to create the worst video game ever.

I haven't played Monster Sniper Season 3 yet. No one has played it yet except the creators, but I can already say that it is the worst game ever made. This is not a value judgment; it is the goal of this project.

Last November, TikTok creators Everywhere Nowhere set out to intentionally create the worst possible video game by combining their pet peeves with suggestions from the comments section. Each video in the series shows the developers adding new horrible features to the game, each time making it even worse


As it stands, the game is a 2D platformer starring a lousy rat with a boomerang and a rocket launcher. Here are just a few of its infuriating features:

And genuinely, this is not even the full list of infuriating things added between November and the present. Ironically, however, Everywhere Nowhere is currently letting no one else do this but themselves.

To test the levels, EW actually has to play them, but the game is so infuriatingly boring that they seem to be creating a private hell for themselves. In the very early days of the game, when it was still mostly a basic platformer, it took me 145 attempts to get to the first level. My most recent attempt at level 2 took over 1,000 attempts.

If you would like to help build this digital torture device, please send us your feedback on our latest video. But beware. I fear that we are rapidly approaching the point at which this abomination will actually be made public and we may all have to reckon with what we have contributed.
