Twitch's nudity laws keep changing: cleavage "unlimited," but no underboobs

Twitch's nudity laws keep changing: cleavage "unlimited," but no underboobs

In December, Twitch relaxed its rules, allowing "artistic depictions of nudity" in streams, such as "content that 'intentionally highlights breasts, buttocks, or pelvic region,'" as long as it is labeled as containing "sexual themes." Two days later, in response to "community concerns," this change was withdrawn: "Going forward, depictions of real or fictional nudity will not be permitted on Twitch, regardless of medium," said CEO Dan Clancy.

Today, Twitch further strengthened its no-nudity rule with an updated clothing policy that prohibits "implied nudity" in streams. The change is in response to a recent meta-phenomenon in which streamers use objects, black censor bars, or strategic camera positions to make themselves appear fully or partially nude.

"While most streamers properly label this content with Sexual Themes and dress behind the object or outside the camera frame, for many users, thumbnails of this content can interfere with their experience on Twitch." wrote Angenla Hession, Chief Customer Confidence Officer.

"While content labeled Sexual Themes does not appear on the home page, this content does appear within the category browsing directory, and we recognize that many users frequent these pages to find content on Twitch We are aware that many users frequent these pages to find content on Twitch."

In other words, it is not enough to be clothed; streamers must be seen to be clothed, lest people think they might be unclothed. Understood.

The following updated attire guidelines make it all clear:

We do not permit fully or partially nude streamers, including genital or buttock exposure. We also do not permit streamers that imply or suggest that the streamer is fully or partially nude (including, but not limited to, covering breasts or genitals with objects or censor bars). We do not permit the outline of genitalia to be visible, even if covered. Broadcasting nudity or partial nudity of minors is always prohibited, regardless of context.

If you are appearing as a woman, we ask that you cover your nipples and not expose your underbust. Cleavage is not restricted as long as these coverage requirements are met and it is clear that the streamer is wearing clothing.

For all streamers, coverage must extend from the hips to below the pelvis and buttocks.

The "clothing exception" clause remains, so streamers may expose (almost) everything as long as they are within a reasonable distance of a pool, hot tub, or beach, and may use the "pool, hot tub, and beach" category for their streamers. However, proper coverage remains essential: swimwear worn in these streams must be completely opaque, cover the genitals completely, and "also cover the nipples if participating as a woman"


Admittedly, this is a difficult issue for Twitch, as some of this language is overly complex. Balancing acceptable "artistic" nudity (whatever that is), acceptable hot tub picnic time, and undressing actions that scare advertisers is a tricky and never-ending process, and as Joshua said in December when the rules were first relaxed, it is likely "forever destined to remain an ambiguous distinction."

But despite this inherent complexity, Twitch seems determined to create a magic formula that will allow it all to fall into a simple, black-and-white state, with no room for misunderstanding or accidental violations: this is allowed, this is not allowed.

But if there's anything I've learned from watching Twitch try to keep a lid on skin shows over the last few years, it's that streamers are creative, unpredictable, and will push any limits to get more viewers. twitch is for gamers. I understand not wanting to be Pornhub (Kick definitely has that covered).

