The co-creator of "Fallout" has retired, but continues to advise "The Outer Worlds 2".

The co-creator of "Fallout" has retired, but continues to advise "The Outer Worlds 2".

Tim Cain has had an illustrious career: he has worked on The Masquerade Bloodlines, Wildstar, Pillars of Eternity, and The Outer Worlds.

After 30 years of experience, he is mostly retired, but spends much of his time imparting wisdom on his YouTube channel. However, as confirmed in a recent Rock Paper Shotgun interview, Cain still serves as a consultant for Outer Worlds 2.

Cain explains his retirement as a desire for freedom: there are games I want to make: ...... I have been promised many times that "you have the final say, we will take care of you, this will all be great," but it never happened. I don't want to believe that for the eighth time either."

That is not at all shocking, considering what he revealed about the development of Wildstar on his channel. While he claimed that Carbine was "one of the best companies" he had ever worked for, he also recounted a story of internal strife that culminated in a dramatic meeting that lasted "four hours" about an art director who fought tooth and nail with him. He didn't change anything. So I gave up."

Returning to the interview, Cain said that Outer Worlds 2 is following in his footsteps: "There's something I'm trying to do in the sequel (which I can't talk about, of course), but it's similar to something I've done in the past, so it pulls at me."

He serves as an advisory and a warning, alerting Obsidian to potential stumbling blocks in creating RPGs. Here is a huge, huge gulf that lies in your path that must be bypassed"


The Outer Worlds itself is a solid RPG, but still has some problems. This is despite the fact that it was developed by Obsidian, the creators of the critically acclaimed Fallout: New Vegas. Some players argue that it captures the spirit of the previous two games better than Bethesda did with "Fallout 3" and "Fallout 4. "The Outer Worlds had some technical problems, but it was released next to "Disco Elysium," and the comparison is Death of Joy.In 2019, online editor Fraser Brown wrote:

"I started playing 'Disco Elysium' before 'The Outer Worlds,' but I strongly recommend against doing so: ...... The Outer Worlds is a known work; if you've played Fallout and seen Firefly, you'll feel right at home. Everything from the general structure of the story to the progression of the characters is inoffensive. Disco Elysium, on the other hand, attributes empathy and substance abuse and will happily kill you with a ceiling fan in the first minute."

Still, that's not to say that "Outer Worlds" is a failure; it's like eating at a five-star restaurant and then having a really decent sandwich a few hours later.

I still believe "Outer Worlds 2" will do a good job. Obsidian seems to have moved away from the safe doldrums of the first film and is steering towards sci-fi goofiness. Will this creature be in the game?
