Star Citizen Truly Surpasses with $48,000 Bundle for Most Loyal Whale

Star Citizen Truly Surpasses with $48,000 Bundle for Most Loyal Whale

"Star Citizen" has been infamous for its heavy-handed monetization since its inception. Long before the game's seemingly endless development, but long before it became playable in any form, Roberts Space Industries was selling all kinds of space goods: like this mine-laying ship, which cost over $600 even before the game included a mine-laying feature.

About Star Citizen. Star Citizen's followers are fiercely loyal to Chris Roberts' vision, vocally defending the game's monetization, protracted development, and whatever else the naysayers are aiming for. Meanwhile, those same critics simply point and laugh at those who put $30,000 into virtual spaceships.

This time, however, Star Citizen has truly outdone itself by offering the most expensive DLC in history. Roberts Space Industries warned us that this was next on the horse armor list: Star Citizen is now offering a $48,000 Legatus bundle that includes every ship in the game (you better hope so, too). The bundle is described as follows:


Ahead of all others, this definitive fleet rivals the noble title of Legatus Navium. this complete collection, including all ships and concepts released up to 2953, empowers all fleet commanders to build an eternal legacy that will lead humanity into a brighter future.

The Karuna "Ascension" rifle will be available in-game in Q1 2024.

Star Citizen has been selling Legatus bundles since 2018 and has always been notorious within the community for its pricing, with the first one costing just $27,000. You can't even buy this unless you are already in the Chairman's Club, a level of access given to those who have already spent over $1,000 on the game.

As faintly obscene as absurd as this sounds, on the Star Citizen subreddit the label "space farmer" seems to have become a self-imposed badge of honor among the game's low-payers, and the response has been largely amusing.

If you can spend $48,000 on a pretend spaceship, you should probably do so. But being a Star Citizen fan is definitely going to cost you an arm and a legatus.
