Now you can play the most infuriating game ever in your browser.

Now you can play the most infuriating game ever in your browser.

This week I discovered that a TikToker is deliberately developing the worst game ever. Impossible platforms, unskippable dialogue, rocket launchers that have to be reloaded 150 times for every shot, etc. I finished this post with the fear that the creators, Everywhere Nowhere, might one day bring their abomination to the world and people might actually be able to play it. But it came to pass sooner than I had feared.

Now you can try out Monster Sniper Season 3 for yourself at the developer's page. I knew this was a bad idea, but I didn't do it justice by just seeing it on TikToks. To actually get it is a whole other world of suffering.

It's almost impossible to steer through the ludicrously unfair platforming sequences, thanks to the most evil control scheme ever devised, where you control the movements of the protagonist with your mouse and your weapons with your keyboard. The music consists of a screeching, looping flute solo that starts over every time you die, that is, incessantly.

This is pure psychological torture. Everywhere Nowhere tried to make something horrible, and it really succeeded. And yet... There's something about it. Whether it's the indescribable alchemy of game design or a testament to humanity's stubbornness, "Monster Sniper Season 3" is strangely hard to walk away from. I find myself bumping my head over and over again in the opening moments, with a single-minded determination not to let this game beat me. Help.

I wish I could at least get past the platforming section at the beginning and get to the more manic and surreal features of this game on TikTok (the stock exchange with fish, the brutal escort missions, the dog that explodes and turns into an ant when you try to pet it, etc.). I was going to take a screenshot for the article, but now I'm lucky to play for more than 10 seconds.

If you can play this awful masterpiece for more than that, you are a better gamer than I am. Still, I'd wager that this will become a perverse speedrunning challenge in the future, perhaps brought up by a true masochist of "Games Done Quick" I Wanna Be The Guy or Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. It seems like a sort of savage next step for those who might have enjoyed it. Perhaps this is the ultimate masochistic core bluff.

If, after playing, you can think of a way to make it worse, the developers want to hear about it. You can also support the project's work by purchasing merchandise on their website. So far I haven't found a way to stop this, but if I do, I'll let you know.
