I played "Lies of P" on a Samsung glasses-free 3D gaming monitor.

I played "Lies of P" on a Samsung glasses-free 3D gaming monitor.

Thought the 3D TV trend was over? Samsung presented a new 3D technology at CES 2024. It's a gaming monitor that enables glasses-free 3D gaming using eye tracking technology.

From a distance, you might think this is just an ordinary monitor, but get closer and you'll notice that it starts flickering as you adjust your gaze or move your head. If you hold this monitor in front of you and adjust your gaze accordingly, you can get a really decent 3D image; even in games like Lies of P.

, the game environment is almost always displayed as one plane, with the game characters on another plane closer to the player. However, during my brief experience with this technology, I sometimes found tree branches and signs extending toward me.

Adjusting my head to the left or right solved the illusion. Nevertheless, with proper distance adjustments, it was possible to maintain 3D as intended.

The monitor uses two cameras built into the upper bezel to track head and eye movements, and also uses AI recognition to aid in the 3D effect; let's take a moment to thank the Nintendo 3DS for providing 3D long before AI became purely shippable. It's a great gaming console.

Below is an image of the monitor itself, but no evidence of the 3D effect is visible. Use your imagination.

In any case, while the monitor will convert 2D content to 3D, it can also seamlessly and easily switch to 2D content via its "Active Lenticular Lens" The Neo QLED display excels in vividness and brightness, and regardless of its flashy dimensional features, it is a great monitor. It is a great monitor regardless of its flashy dimensional features.

I only used this monitor for five minutes, so I can't speak to how it feels to use the monitor for extended periods of time. Like the aforementioned 3DS, knowing this kind of 3D effect, I would probably just switch it off eventually. But I don't want to be depressed by the screen, it's a genuinely decent experience, and if I could have, I would have stayed longer with "Lies P".

But alas, this is not a monitor that ships yet. Samsung only wanted to show off this concept at CES 2024, and it may be a little while before something like this hits the market.

_____________________________________ PC Gamer's CES 2024 coverage is courtesy of Asus Republic of Gamers.
