Vampire Survivors" skips Halloween and goes straight to the goodie-packed 1.7.0 Christmas update.

Vampire Survivors" skips Halloween and goes straight to the goodie-packed 1.7.0 Christmas update.

"Vampire Survivors" has released a new patch. Considering that Halloween is just around the corner, it might make you lean a little more towards the spooky theme that is already in place: ...... You would think.

Instead, they swept the rug under almost everyone and released patch 1.7.0, dubbed "Whiteout." The trailer asks: "If the big name stores can do it, why can't we?

"Ready for the October patch?" the update page taunts with a Halloween emoji and states: "Snow is the theme. Shots, chasers."

1.7.0 was also initially slated to add a new type of mode called "Adventure. This would "remix content from the base game and add a new flavor through new stage progressions and descriptions. That will unfortunately be later this year.

"We wanted to deliver it with Whiteout, but there is a lot of QA and as we mentioned in the last update, the release process is slowing down due to all the platforms we are using, so we decided to play it safe and leave the risky parts for future We decided to leave it to the updates. They also announced some details related to Unity, or as they call it "INdUsTRy sTaNDaRd gAMe EnGiNE."

"We will continue to support VS and stick to our top secret update roadmap, but that doesn't mean we're not ready to port VS again if the engine situation becomes unsustainable ...... Most of the performance gains we've seen in Swap are actually thanks to dropping the old tech stack (which basically means a bunch of solutions and programs stacked on top of each other)" and "not because [Unity] has worked miracles."

To add to this, in case you missed the important context, "Vampire Survivors" migrated to Unity on August 17 of this year. While this was a universal improvement, Unity ambushed indie developers with an absolutely mind-boggling fee plan, and when asked if Poncle would make another game with this engine, "No thanks!" and then had the monkey's limbs curled up in a circle in an attempt to get him to answer, "No, thank you!

Anyway, as someone whose job was to start playing Christmas music on October 1, I apologize for grinning a bit in my opening paragraph; 1.7.0 looks like a fun, festive update, and I'm sure it's going to be a great success. Like putting all the pumpkin heads on the pumpkin. Rename it Vampire Surflight Verse. No, it's nothing.
