In the latest developer talk on "Remnant 2," we set our sights on the game's most destroyed ring, check "yep" for loadouts, and learn more about armor.

In the latest developer talk on "Remnant 2," we set our sights on the game's most destroyed ring, check "yep" for loadouts, and learn more about armor.

Remnant 2 Dev Loop, posted by Gunfire Games principal designer Ben Cureton (aka Verytragic) to the Remnant 2 subreddit over the weekend, has been making the rounds.

The second of these developer insight blogs, this dev loop mentions Gunfire's upcoming balance changes and plans. In particular, Cureton specifically pointed out one absolutely busted ring in dire need of adjustment.

"Ah yes, the Bright Steel Ring, which worked so well in [Remnant: From the Ashes] because there were so many attractive options competing for the two [ring] slots. It was a true trade-off whether to use it or not. But now [there are] four slots, so a quarter is not such a big loss.

For those who don't know, Remnant 2 is a third-person shooter soul-like game. As such, it follows many of the same rules regarding armor and encounters in the genre: put on light armor and you flow like water; put on heavy armor and you fat-roll.

However, the Bright Steel Ring gives the fastest evasion roll regardless of what is worn. Depending on the combination with the weapon, it may even sting like a bee. If you remember the Havel armor days of Dark Souls 1, imagine a person in that armor rolling around like a naked person. Yeah, that doesn't seem sustainable.

"The name was changed to "Ring of Dull Steel" and adjusted to reduce the weight class by one. We felt this was a very fair change.

Adjustments will also be made to the armor's stamina cost penalty, and Cureton shared some interesting discrepancies between what the game is telling us and what is actually happening under the hood. He said, "Even though the UI currently shows the stamina penalty as 0% (light), 25% (medium), 50% (heavy), and 75% (ultra heavy), it is actually 0%, 15%, 30%, and 45%.

Cureton then went on to say that they intend to make sure that the stamina cost matches the UI. He said, "Overall, we have no problem with people being super-tanky, but we want to make sure there is a trade-off.

Also, the game basically buffs all survivability trinkets. For example, the Blood Tinged Ring, which grants healing when near a bleeding enemy, has its "near" range increased from 10 meters to 25 meters." There are dozens of changes to this kind of trinket: ...... Basically, the whole thing is buffed."

Aside from other balance-related minutiae, Cureton also commented on the loadout. Under a large heading titled "Loadout," Cureton writes: "I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm not sure what the problem is. Before moving on to the next header, I see! That settles the matter.
