Baldur's Gate 3 fans carving Halloween pumpkins.

Baldur's Gate 3 fans carving Halloween pumpkins.

In the middle of the spooky season. Scary. Luckily, the Baldur's Gate 3 subreddit has collected a collection of BG3-related pumpkin carvings to give me some much needed relief from the jump scares and creepiness. In an attempt to distract myself from the horror and horror, I looked through them and shared some of my favorites. Be forewarned, they contain a few minor spoilers.

First up, from realstibby, the most adorable baby owl I could pick. Carrack's carvings are also featured, but once you see the eyes of this little owlbear, nothing else compares.

Next is a slightly creepy design from Final_Ad_5757, Astarion's Scars. This design is probably the most common BG3 design I have come across on subreddit, and they are all way beyond my skill level. I should probably refrain from giving my personal opinion on such a lovable character, but contrary to what I think, the scar glowing on the pumpkin looks pretty cool.

Another trend I enjoy is the carving of symbols in the game, from status effects to spells. The bloodless status symbol "what-is-this-magic" is one I might actually try myself. It's a simple but striking choice, and one that I may come close to recreating.

Other worth noting are IntlSpaceGrayson's fireball symbol and Beautiful-Cap1672's divine strike symbol.

The Mind Flayer sculpture is another obvious choice for a BG3 Halloween pumpkin slicer, and they do not disappoint. Below is an impressive lantern by fkainz and a mind flayer sculpture from the Underdark sourcebook by Xpedersen.

This is just a small sampling of the creativity on display, and we hope to receive more pumpkin photos during this Halloween. The inspiration I received from these will be applied to my own carving, but I don't think I can face the embarrassment of posting my inept art skills for all to see.
