The latest patch for Baldur's Gate 3 includes more than 1,000 fixes, but most importantly, you can buy a statue of your own bare ass.

The latest patch for Baldur's Gate 3 includes more than 1,000 fixes, but most importantly, you can buy a statue of your own bare ass.

Baldur's Gate 3 has received its fourth major patch. Again, it's big enough to break Steam's notebook, and while there are no new features that mirror the third patch or make the equally important small characters kiss their carracks, it's still packed with changes.

A significant improvement in quality of life (QOL) comes in the form of essential personal hygiene. You can now use sponges and soap to wash off the dirt from your party members: Baldur's Gate 3's "Dragon Age: Origins" level of blood splatter, while immersive, has the feel of an axe murderer, which takes away from more subtle moments. The more subtle scenes are diminished by the immersive, but axe murderer-like atmosphere.

Another game changer: when purchasing a statue from Bonnie at the Last Days Circus, you can now choose modesty: full armor, camp clothes, or bare ass. It would be disappointing if all they did was place a lovingly painted naked butt on a stone and no unique dialogue. Nevertheless, it makes just as much sense for them to ignore the elephant in the camp.

As is customary, there are also a huge number of bug fixes, animation tweaks, and changes to the storyline. There are too many to list here, but here are a few of my favorite highlights.

You can no longer make dark, distorted copies of your familiar in the "Trial of Self-Identity" that takes place in the Temple of the Shah. This means your pet cat will no longer be able to fight its inner demons, but perhaps that's for the best.

Opening up the romance of Lae'zel becomes a bit more difficult and requires more than just building up her approval ratings. Instead, "you must prove your own worth by your actions." Of course, if you do something that she approves of, you can usually meet that requirement, but this is a nice touch.

Someone explained to Tav the difference between a nap and death: "Player characters will no longer react as if they were dead when they see a character who has fainted." Also, there is no longer a glitch that allows the player to play the entire game as a gang of mind flayers.

Or, in Larian's words, "You can no longer walk around the early game as Squidy Boy or use this trick to form a Squid Squad." The Squid Wizard Money Gang loved to cast spells. Speaking of wizards, "Speaking of wizards, "Gail will no longer thank me twice for giving her the first magic item. He's too polite.

Finally, a colorblindness mode has been added to the accessibility options. This covers heavy blindness, trichromatic blindness, and my personal color blindness, primary color blindness. It adjusts "character outlines and circles, character map markers, turn order frame portraits, and party portraits." I never had much trouble with these UI elements, but my trouble has always been the pip in the game's spell slots, which sadly has not yet been fixed in this patch.
