Silent Hill Silent Hill: Ascension, underestimating the noisy nature of stream chat.

Silent Hill Silent Hill: Ascension, underestimating the noisy nature of stream chat.

Silent Hill Silent Hill: Ascension has many elements. Episodic Drama. Only season pass holders can vote. Technically, this is a new Silent Hill game. To summarize, Twitch is playing Bandersnatch, but it's a video game. It's already not doing very well.

I first heard about this... I heard about the case back in July when I wrote: "If Ascension is to be a mirror of the Internet, it will be a reasonably effective work of horror. It referred to the idea that people would be playing judge and jury to characters with complex emotional trauma. I thought a lot about the implications.

Courtesy of Twitter user SmoughTown, these are actual, authentic emotes available for purchase with the season pass.

I'm beginning to think I've been thinking too hard about this; I've been thinking too hard about it.

Plus, the democratization of the promised outcome is monetized: more cash means more voting rights. In other words, the core premise of the ideal of joining thousands of people on the journey has been completely ruined by greed. If someone wrote this as a satire on capitalism in a science fiction setting, I would call it heavy-handed.

However, the thing is how underrated the Twitch-style chat rooms were. Moderation was poor or nonexistent, and its automatic filters (which were in place only for certain words) did little to stem the oncoming flow. Here are a few examples. Fair warning, these are lewd.

However, it's not all fun and games. As one Twitter user, Succinct_Punchy, points out: "You will soon be accused of every slander known in English: ...... But you can't post Kojima"


There was also a joke calling on "Silent Hill Gamers" to dedicate their credit cards to the Pyramid Head cause. I will do my part for Pyramid Head. What's your excuse?

Naturally, the chat is closed for a while." Due to an unexpected amount of chat during last night's premiere, our moderation system was not up to standard. To correct this, our team is working hard with our vendors to create a better chat environment that is fun, safe, and civil. As a result, text chat will not be available during tonight's live show."

I would say, "This is why you can't have nice things," but I'm not sure that applies here. Anyone with enough knowledge of Internet culture could have seen this coming from a mile away. Still suffering from whiplash from the rainbow-colored "This is Trauma!" stickers, I no longer have the luxury of thinking "James Sunderland c*cckring". I can't compute.
