Cities: Skylines 2 patch fixes "unnecessarily large" character textures, removes "offensive" radio ads

Cities: Skylines 2 patch fixes "unnecessarily large" character textures, removes "offensive" radio ads

A patch for Cities: Cities: Skylines 2 was released today, addressing several issues with the game. Hopefully this patch won't be too long.

One of the issues that should be remedied by this patch is that "Cities: The game often shows demand for new commercial zones, but at the same time informs you that there are not enough customers for your existing business. The game often shows demand for new commercial zones, but at the same time existing businesses are informed that there are enough customers. As a potential fix, it is speculated that the patch would increase the "leisure probability," meaning that citizens would have more free time to visit stores, and thus businesses would complain less.

There are other adjustments related to businesses, such as "improving the balance of profits for businesses" and fixing a bug in trade resources that meant businesses would order supplies despite not having enough storage space and not consume the resources they had. Hopefully, with this bug fixed, it will be easier to maintain profitability in cities.

Cities: Many of the performance problems in Cities: Skylines 2 have been blamed on the tiny little citizens themselves, especially their teeth, although Colossal Order denies that the rendering of individual teeth is causing the problem. Nevertheless, the patch "reduced the resolution of unnecessary large character textures," which seems to be the extent of the problem, at least for the teeth. Hopefully you will start to see a difference in fps as your citizens occupy less processing power.

The patch notes also state that Colossal Order "removed the Spasm radio ad (due to offensive content)," which has (thankfully) caused a very small stir on Reddit and Paradox forums. I myself don't recall this particular radio ad while playing (I generally delete radio station ads immediately), and few players seem to remember it specifically. I listened to a recording that someone uploaded a few moments ago. In this ad, the narration mimics the sound of someone being electrocuted, which could be interpreted as the sound of someone having a seizure. However, whether those are the reasons why this ad was deemed offensive is not certain and is only speculation.

Amidst people asking for more details about the ad, commenters arguing about what is and is not offensive, and the inevitable handful of cries about "otaku-ness," Colossal Order's community manager offered a perfectly level-headed explanation in the forum. 'The issue regarding advertising has been brought to our attention and we have concluded that the game does not live up to our goal of being welcoming to all players. Nothing more."

That explanation sounds reasonable to me, but needless to say, the ads are incredibly annoying and I don't know why someone would want them in their game in the first place.

Cities: There are no doubt further patches for other problems in Cities: Skylines 2 (such as "huge" packs of abandoned stray dogs). The patch notes also include a warning: "Please note! If you are using an existing saved game, you will need to run the simulation for a while for the simulation fix to take effect. So, after installing the patch, please be a little patient, Mr. Mayor.
