Can turn off annoying Steam achievement notification sounds.

Can turn off annoying Steam achievement notification sounds.

At last Skyrim is saved from Alduin, the Eater of Worlds. Surrounded by the souls of Sovngarde's greatest heroes, you will watch his bones burn as bright as the dawn and eventually crumble to ashes. What sounds accompany this event, Steam would like you to know that you have unlocked the Dragon Slayer achievement.

Steam's Big Picture mode has long had an achievement notification sound, but as Steam Deck owners well know, Desktop mode was elegantly silent, even when a small rectangle appeared in the corner of the screen. Now it sounds with every achievement and every time a game finishes downloading.

Fortunately, the noise can be turned off. In an update earlier this month, Valve "added a toggle to the notification settings that allows you to turn the sound of unimportant notifications on or off."

Simply go to Steam > Settings > Notifications and hit the "Sound when notification toast appears" toggle. By the way, I learned that these notifications are called "toasts", which I dislike more.
