One of Dave the Diver's boss monsters may return in a future update.

One of Dave the Diver's boss monsters may return in a future update.

You would think that running a sushi restaurant by the sea would be a relaxing, low-stress experience, but in "Dave the Diver," there is plenty of pulse-pounding action that belies the chilled tropical atmosphere. Just because he's working at a vacation destination doesn't mean his life is smooth sailing; not only do reef sharks and angry crabs lick his flipper feet, but Dave often has to go head-to-head with terrifying boss monsters in the deep sea.

"Dave the Diver" features about a dozen different boss fights, and there is a large collection of underwater monsters to fight, including giant squid, eels the size of subway trains, and even prehistoric reptiles. To take them on, one usually has to fight them with something other than the usual fishing gear.

However, according to Jaeho Hwang, game director of Dave the Diver, even if you fight through all the bosses in the game, you haven't seen the last of one that may reappear in the future.

In an email, I asked Hwang about the boss monster in Dave the Diver and if there was any boss fight that was not included in the game that he really wanted to include.

"The game has a hermit crab boss that runs away once you defeat it," Hwang said. It's a boss called the "truck hermit crab," because it's so huge that it uses a big yellow dump truck as its shell. When the metal shell is completely destroyed, the giant hermit crabs dive to the bottom of the sea and escape.

"We really wanted to bring this guy back later in the game with stronger equipment, but in the end we didn't have time to implement this. I plan to do this in a later update."

As for me, I'm looking forward to taking on that hermit crab again. Another boss named Dave the Diver will be back several times with stronger equipment, so I feel that after facing him several times, I'm ready to take on that hermit crab boss again.

No word yet on when Dave the Diver will get an update. Says Phan, "We're a small team, so right now we're focused on fixing bugs and improving quality of life." While you're eagerly awaiting the return of the truck hermit crab, you might want to take a look through our ranking of the best crabs in PC gaming.
