Narrator of "Baldur's Gate 3" Releases Hilarious NG - "If you like Asterion, you should consider therapy.

Narrator of "Baldur's Gate 3" Releases Hilarious NG - "If you like Asterion, you should consider therapy.

Amelia Tyler, also known for voicing Malady in Divinity: Original Sin 2, continues her delightful voice-over work this week. She has been given the huge task of voicing the narrator for Baldur's Gate 3, which, given the size of the game, seems both a privilege and a kind of a godsend. [In anticipation of the game's release next month, Tyler graciously shared this amazing recording with us.

In case you're not wearing headphones in public, I've selected some of my favorite quotes from Tyler's descent into vocal hell:

My favorite of her rants is probably the following, as it feels like a personal attack on who I am public service announcement.

"If you like Asterion, you might want to seek therapy. He is very hurt, and we need to get him!"

[7 Have fun with your fantasy, then call your therapist. This is a two-step thing, and it's very important to do both."

Look, Tyler, you may be completely right in that it is unhealthy for me to be attracted to an utterly devastating pretty boy who wants to devour my blood. Sure, he looks like he couldn't even open a jar of pickles, and I admit that he has the kind of energy that would burn trash if someone put on a nice suit. But you don't understand.

Tyler gave us another outtake earlier this year, and you can hear her work minus the rants and breakdowns in Baldur's Gate 3, which will be released on August 3.
