Remnant 2's relatively high Respec cost is "under consideration," says Principal Designer Ben Cureton.

Remnant 2's relatively high Respec cost is "under consideration," says Principal Designer Ben Cureton.

Remnant 2 was an unexpected hit, knocking everything but CS:GO off Steam's top-seller list yesterday, despite the thorny performance issues that made upscaling a must. Overall, though, many fans seem to be satisfied with the improved sequel. That said, there is one problem with the multiverse.

The official subreddit is abuzz with issues surrounding Remnant 2's trait system. In the previous version, traits functioned as continuous grinds, with no upper limit to the number that could be stacked, giving a small boost to status.

Remnant 2 took a different tactic and made the choices more meaningful by capping trait points at 60. This allows developers to add more powerful traits to the game without worrying about players completely destroying the end-game balance. After all, if one character could bring all characteristics to maximum power, you would be an unkillable demigod, so the cap makes sense.

If that's all, no problem, but redistributing those trait points comes at a cost: the Orb of Undoing, an item needed for Respeccing, costs 3 Lumenite crystals and 2500 scrap, Remnant 2's base currency. This is because scrap is needed for everything from upgrading weapons, unlocking new archetypes, purchasing weapon mods, etc.

Fortunately, Gunfire Games is aware of this; principal designer Ben Cureton, also known as verytragic, clarified some design intentions in an announcement post, confirming that the team is considering changes:

"We are aware that players find [Respeccing] a bit too costly and a bit inconvenient. As far as cost, this is a simple change; Cureton could not give details on how this issue will be resolved, but Gunfire Games "wants players to know that we understand.

Another interesting admission for theory crafters is that while the characteristic point limit is here to stay, it is not "set in stone." However, "the upper limit does not have to be 60, but if it is too high or not capped, many of the Trinkets we designed to compensate for the trait will be diminished or almost completely nullified."

The Curelli Craftor also states that the upper limit is "not set in stone.

Cureton also commented on the scrap economy itself, promising that further adjustments will be made: "There should be room for players to experiment more.

Considering that Remnant 2 has only been released for three days as of this writing, I am pleased that the response has been so straightforward and quick. I'm still short on pennies and haven't gotten around to properly tweaking it, but I'm pleased to hear that I won't have to take out an apocalyptic mortgage just to change things up.
