Data from infamous hacking forum hacked by other hackers up for sale

Data from infamous hacking forum hacked by other hackers up for sale

No need to prove Jeffrey Archer wrong, though (Google it!) ), the database of the infamous cybercrime forum Breach is for sale. After all, thieves have no honor.

The news comes courtesy of Have I Been Pwned (via Bleeping Computer), the central repository of all things online and abusive. Earlier this week, the Have I Been Pwned notification service announced that data from the Breached cybercrime forum had been added, allowing users to search for compromised login information and more. The following year, the site's operator was arrested and the site was seized by law enforcement. The breach exposed 212k records, including usernames, IP addresses, email addresses, private messages between site members, and passwords stored as argon2 hashes.

Incidentally, Breached was a hacking and data leakage forum that hosted and facilitated the sale of data stolen from hacked companies, governments, and organizations worldwide.

Apparently, data from the Breached forum is now being sold by a hacker named "breached_db_person". Ironically, the hacker told BleepingComputer that he shared the database with Have I Been Pwned in order to prove the authenticity of the database to potential buyers.

If you want to get your hands on the Breached data, for $100,000 to $150,000 you can get a snapshot of the entire database taken on November 29, 2022. Put on your shoes.

Or better yet, don't; despite ample and obvious opportunities for Schadenfreude, you will still be paying someone unscrupulous for something stolen. It's pretty ugly from top to bottom.
