Build a base to escape from an alien world while browsing the Internet in this quarter-screen idler.

Build a base to escape from an alien world while browsing the Internet in this quarter-screen idler.

Clickers, idlers, etc. exist for a reason: its because most of us want to do two things at once. We want to stimulate multiple parts of our brain. I'm sure you know or are like at least one person who watches shows, listens to podcasts, reads social media, and enjoys playing video games at the same time.

This is an impulse as old as the first person who thought, "Let's put a radio in this car."

Enter The Evergloom Team. They are now showing off their second game: Deskape, in the style of dEskape, which is made to fit along the bottom strip of the screen. You crash on an alien world, and your job is to build infrastructure that will allow you to escape while defending yourself from the attacks of the alien hive. The game is clearly designed as a base-building game, allowing you to work, browse, and look at other things while you play. According to the developer, it is "idle when you want, active when you want."

Deskape has a circular world to explore, with a linear screen that eventually circles around. You can play passively or jump in as a character at any time, popping out resizable windows to surround whatever your primary desktop task is. The game runs in two modes: in active mode, which consumes more power when watching attentively, and in idler mode, which consumes less power when doing other things.

The Evergloom Team's previous title, Desktopia, turned PC Gamer writer Joshua Warrens into a very bad landlord. Sure, "I killed hundreds of citizens by neglect, but I also made a lot of money," he said last year when he spent a little time with the game. It will be interesting to see what improvements and lessons the developers have learned since then when the sequel is released.

Deskape has no release date yet, but you can find dEskape on Steam, where you can also find its predecessor, Desktopia.
