Leaked images from "Fallout TV" suggest that Vault-Tec is doing much worse than we thought.

Leaked images from "Fallout TV" suggest that Vault-Tec is doing much worse than we thought.

A handful of new images and a short video clip from the set of Amazon's upcoming Fallout TV show have leaked, revealing what appears to be a post-nuclear war survivor standing outside a Vault-Tec facility.

The images were shared by a user named Skunk on the Fallout Network Discord in December 2022, but went completely unnoticed until they were posted on Reddit by PrinceDaCat on July 27.

"On the other side of the building they set up a bunch of green screens side by side and took a lot of pictures. The screens covered the windows, so we couldn't film them," PrinceDaCat wrote." On the front of the hospital sign, you can see a small light that actually turns on at night to illuminate the sign."

Unfortunately, these images don't tell us much, except that the show is definitely set in the Fallout universe; the Vault-Tec logo is hard to miss, and the guns in the scene look suitably crappy.

One thing that does concern me is the Hawthorne Medical Research Institute van; I'm not familiar with that name in the context of Fallout lore, but from the image, I'm guessing it's a division of Vault-Tec. Whatever it is, it's definitely up to something.

Several Redditors have stated in the comments that the cars in the image don't really look like that: one LuckyDubbin said, "They need to look more like atomic age science fiction." To my eyes, they look rotten, but otherwise they look like very ordinary old cars. However, Redditor george_w_kush64 said he might tweak it in post-production editing because "it's cheaper than physically modifying all the cars on set."

Now, here's the fallout car:

The image appears to have been shot several floors up and across the screen, possibly by a production crew member or someone on the set who wasn't supposed to be there. Either way, the quality is understandably low. The sets themselves also seem a bit too clean for "Fallout".

There are several other, shorter video clips:

Although announced for 2020, we still know very little about Amazon's "Fallout" show, including the setting, content, and air date. Walton Goggins, one of the series' stars, said filming wrapped in March, but there has been no official announcement from Amazon about what happens next. We appreciate anyone who leaks it to us.

Speaking of which, Skunk shared two new images from the hospital set today. See them below.
