Sin: Reloaded is not "dead," but it sure looks like it's on ice.

Sin: Reloaded is not "dead," but it sure looks like it's on ice.

Developer Nightdive Studios has unannounced SiN: Reloaded, a remastered version of the classic FPS SiN, which was announced for a 2021 release in 2020. The original game was developed by Ritual Entertainment and released in 1998, with the rights acquired by Nightdive in 2020 and re-released as SiN Gold along with an expansion.

"You may have noticed that 'SiN: Reloaded' has not been updated in a while, and for good reason." For reasons we have mentioned several times before, we have been focusing on other projects that have exceeded their development timelines, which has unfortunately affected some of our other titles, including SiN."

This refers pretty clearly to Nightdive's "System Shock" remake, which turned out great, but was originally scheduled for release in 2021 before being postponed multiple times The original announcement trailer for SiN:Reloaded is interesting in this context. It appears to be considerably less ambitious than "System Shock," which, while remaining faithful to the original game, has undergone a fairly major visual overhaul.

Nightdive said that "the project is not dead and will continue to work on SiN: Reloaded, but at a later date," adding that "the project will also go through some changes that we are not ready to analyze yet."

I guess that SiN: Reloaded as originally conceived seems like a bit of an unnecessary project now that Nightdive has already made the original easily available. "SiN" is a great FPS, but it is an old FPS and a more radical reworking is may be the only way to make it palatable to a modern audience. The game's Steam page is still live for wishlists, probably the only way people can really tell Nightdive they want this to happen, but the release date is currently vague, "to be announced."
