Mr. Beast to discontinue "raw," "offensive," and "inedible" hamburger in lawsuit.

Mr. Beast to discontinue "raw," "offensive," and "inedible" hamburger in lawsuit.

YouTube megastar James 'Mr. Beast' Donaldson has filed a lawsuit against the company he partnered with to launch Mr. Beast Burger, a business venture that used the influencer's brand to launch fast food sales in December 2020. The lawsuit was filed. The Mr. Beast Burger concept operates using so-called ghost kitchens. The idea is that the company sells its menu online, and orders are placed by partner restaurants that are provided with packaging and other branded paraphernalia.

MrBeast's lawsuit alleges that Virtual Dining Concepts, the Florida company he partnered with for MrBeast Burger, often served food of such terrible quality that it was "raw" and "inedible" and did not respond or address his complaints He claims (thanks, Bloomberg). The company prioritized rapid expansion over product quality, and Mr. Beast's reputation was damaged by his association with the burgers, adding that the YouTuber does not appear to have been paid "a dime" and asking that the court grant Mr. Beast the right to "terminate" the entire company.

Virtual Dining Concepts, a company co-founded by former Planet Hollywood executive Robert Earl, benefited from the unexpected coronavirus outbreak with the idea of MrBeast Burger. on the MrBeast Burger website, you can find a list of all of MrBeast Burger's products, including the "MrBeast Burger" and "MrBeast Burger" that are available for order now. and can be ordered now.

MrBeast's lawsuit claims that 1 million burgers were sold in the first three months and that 1,700 restaurants had signed on with the venture by 2022. Rather incredibly, before getting to the meat of the complaint, it also claims that selling the burgers was all part of MrBeast's "charitable mission." Unfortunately, however, because Virtual Dining Concepts was focused on rapidly expanding its business as a way to market the virtual restaurant model to other celebrities for its own benefit, it was not focused on managing the customer experience and product quality of the Mr. Beast burger did not focus on managing the customer experience and product quality of Mr. Beast Burger.

"Despite MrBeast's repeated objections, complaints about quality control fell on deaf ears. As a result, MrBeast Burgers came to be viewed as a misleading and poor reflection of the MrBeast brand, offering customers a low quality product.

The lawsuit further alleges that the image of Mr. Beast was used without permission by Virtual Dining Concepts, Inc. and that the company registered a trademark on the brand to which it has no rights. However, a recurring reference in the lawsuit is the abysmal quality of the product, with a vast number of customer reviews attached as an addendum, suggesting widespread food safety and quality issues.

Some of them, like Mary Leukmeyer's experience, read like short stories. A black bug came out of a chicken sandwich. Upset, I threw this $18 sandwich in the trash."

"Literally garbage quality, I wouldn't even give it to my dog," says Alexis R.'s Yelp review cited in the lawsuit, while Nicholaus H. wrote, "The worst of the worst burgers, and on top of that, we all started feeling a little sick even though we just ate about 4 hours ago! " he writes.

A quick summary of the review headlines: "Raw Chicken," "Salmonella Sandwich. Worst hamburger I've ever had," "Go to McDonald's," "Unacceptable as food," and "My 7-year-old ate Mr. Beast's raw chicken."

"The burger was barely cooked," said Lindsey K., along with a picture of a very pink looking burger. 'Waste of time and money. The silver lining: my kids don't seem to look forward to watching 'Mr. Beast' much, so I may get some relief from that show."

We can all sympathize with Lindsay's signature, but her one-star review amply demonstrates one of the main thrusts of the lawsuit: this dish is so incompetently cooked and served as to harm Mr. Beast's wider reputation. This is also part of a clear thread in this lawsuit. That is, many of the complaints are from parents who finally relented and bought their children these much-anticipated treats, but were shocked by the poor quality of the product.

"To be clear, while this business has made millions of dollars, Mr. Beast has not received a dime," the lawsuit stresses. Virtual Dining Concepts has done irreparable damage to MrBeast's reputation and, surprisingly, goes directly for the jugular: MrBeast is seeking "a judicial declaration that it is entitled to terminate MrBeast Burger's business. If MrBeast Burger's virtual business cannot provide its customers with the highest level of service and product, then it should not continue to operate.

Yes, MrBeast has stopped doing burgers. The lawsuit also asks that the court release the business's accounts, pay the YouTuber what he owes, and seek further damages.

Donaldson's representatives and Virtual Dining Concepts have been contacted for comment. However, the Mr. Beast burger may be prepared differently than the company's own product.

