Launch of "Baldur's Gate 3" hits Steam like an iceberg, but servers refuse to sink

Launch of "Baldur's Gate 3" hits Steam like an iceberg, but servers refuse to sink

Baldur's Gate 3 was finally released in full today. Since it is a completely new download and cannot be preloaded, RPG fans around the world flocked to Steam in droves. And it's a big game, 122 GB in all. But the good news for everyone is that Steam is handling it well. [According to Steam's statistics page, total bandwidth usage during peak hours exceeds 146 Tbps (terabits per second) worldwide. This is almost three times the load when "Cyberpunk 2077" (another game that was quite popular at the time) was launched on Steam


Not that there were not problems; Downdetector reported a spike in outage reports when Baldur's Gate 3 went live, but the raw numbers were relatively minor and subsided fairly quickly. The unofficial Steam Status page also reported no widespread outages due to the launch.

Larian boss Swen Vincke apologized for the inconvenience.

Also, some people are experiencing slower than normal downloads. I haven't noticed it myself, since my internet sucks and never goes above 6 Mb/sec anyway, but some of my PC Gamer brethren have reported slower download speeds on Steam, as well as on Twitter. Still, it seems to be working overall, probably because Valve knew this would happen.

Some have reported that changing the download region has helped somewhat with the problem.

Not surprisingly, "Baldur's Gate 3" is currently the top seller on Steam and is slowly moving up the list of most played games: at the moment it has moved up to #3, just ahead of "PUBG" which has over 205,000 players. This number will undoubtedly continue to rise as more people unlock the game. It is also currently the most streamed game on Twitch.
