Union Square in New York City Overflows with Fans, Chaos as 'King of Twitch' Kai Senat Announces Instant Giveaway

Union Square in New York City Overflows with Fans, Chaos as 'King of Twitch' Kai Senat Announces Instant Giveaway

Kai Senat, the newly crowned King of Twitch, announced on Instagram and Twitter that he will be doing a "New York IRL stream" today at 3:30 PM ET. He said, "Be there!" and literally thousands gathered to meet the streamers and get something out of them.

Union Square quickly filled up with people, traffic was stuck, and according to ABC News, police, who had no prior notice, were almost immediately overwhelmed. Within a fairly short period of time, the crowd was out of control and some minor injuries were sustained.

One witness told the site that Senato was planning to hand out PlayStation 5 game consoles and accessories, but it is unclear whether any distribution took place. The SUV believed to be carrying Senato eventually drove away from the site at a relatively fast speed, with many people sitting or clinging to the SUV.

It is not clear whether Senato was actually in the vehicle, but police reported shortly after that he was no longer in the area. Many in the crowd believed that the police had put Senat on the bus for protection, but according to police, the bus was actually being used to detain and transport people who had been arrested.

Later in the afternoon, Sky News reported that Senat was "in custody."

At a press conference, NYPD Commissioner Jeffrey Madley said that "quite a few" arrests had been made and confirmed that Senato was currently in custody and being questioned about the incident. Madley said that the NYPD's legal division is looking into possible charges such as inciting a riot. He also suggested that the NYPD consider increasing its monitoring of social media and said, "We cannot allow this to happen again in the future."

CORRECTION: When the article first appeared, it stated that the incident occurred in Times Square, which was correct, Union Square. The correct address was Union Square.
