Thank the GPU gods! New graphics card power connector replaces cumbersome 12VHPWR connector

Thank the GPU gods! New graphics card power connector replaces cumbersome 12VHPWR connector

The Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group (PCI-SIG) has developed revised specifications for the 16-pin 12VHPWR graphics card power connector.

Igor's Lab reports that the revision is in response to instances of connectors on Nvidia's GeForce RTX 4090 boards overheating and melting under load when under heavy load. [The new spec introduces a 12V-2x6 power connector, replacing the problematic 12VHPWR connector while maintaining backward compatibility with existing GPUs. Initially, Nvidia attributed the melting incident to user error, claiming that the 16-pin adapter was not fully plugged in. However, a revision from the PCI-SIG suggests that there may be other factors at play in the problem.

Future ATX 3.1 and PCI Express 6.0 specifications will also adopt the 12V-2x6 connector proposed by PCI-SIG. The changes include several mechanical adjustments. Sense pins have been relocated to establish a more secure connection.

The 12V-2x6 connector introduces two new power modes, allowing support for 150W and 300W in addition to the existing 450W and 600W modes. Each pin of the connector will support a minimum of 9.2 amps.

To distinguish between the old and new connectors, the new connectors will be marked with the H++ logo and the older 12VHPWR connectors will be marked with the H+ logo. Cable design and quality requirements have also been enhanced to address previous implementation issues.

Unfortunately, the new connectors will not be released in the immediate future, as the PCI-SIG has not yet finalized the revised specifications. However, it is expected that the next generation of GPUs, which are expected to be available in 2025, will feature the updated connector.

On the other hand, if you are currently using 12VHPWR connectors on your GPU, it is recommended that you allow at least 35 mm clearance before bending the cable; PSU vendors recommend 40 mm clearance.
