Starfield detective locates spoon from game footage

Starfield detective locates spoon from game footage

Starfield launches in September, only about two months away, but for fans eagerly awaiting Bethesda's space opera, the Starfield subreddit seems to be taking a deep dive into gameplay, from skill trees and gear information to spoon It seems. A thread created by a deleted user (which is curious in itself - what are you trying to hide, Todd?) garnered 1.2k upvotes.

The thread was titled "Fork confirmed, but no spoon yet. Guys, I'm worried," and begins with a screenshot of another thread from two years ago: "Do you think Starfield has a spoon? How do the spoons affect gameplay and overall immersion? It seemed like a shit post at the time, but has since become a genuine concern, especially considering the deep dive screenshot.

In the screenshot, a customer is sitting in a restaurant after being served what looks like soup, with some space pomegranate or pie. He does not have a spoon. Where's the spoon, Todd?

I did a little digging and unless I'm missing something, I don't see it. There was something in the leadership skill tree that seemed to relate to a spoon, but upon closer inspection, it appears to be a lit match. Now I'm starting to see spoons where there are none.

In keeping with Bethesda's professed NASA-punk style, to see if this is just world-building, I visited NASA's official website to see if spoons are actually used in space: "Astronauts use knives, forks, and spoons. Astronauts use knives, forks, and spoons. The only unusual utensils are scissors for cutting packages". This is thanks to the "spoon bowl."" The "Spoon Bowl" is a racy-looking rehydratable plastic bag with a literal valve attached so that space explorers can eat with a spoon. It's a fascinating engineering feat, but it doesn't make my stomach growl.

Perhaps this is why sandwiches are a collector's item in space, perhaps it is just a quirk of the procedural elements Bethesda used to generate the meals and cutlery. Perhaps the customers featured in Bethesda's Deep Dive wanted to try the meal. Says user Flyraidder: "Guys, if you can't use a fork instead of a spoon. It's a matter of skill."
