Looking for a great deal on PC games for Prime Day? Need help?

Looking for a great deal on PC games for Prime Day? Need help?

The AI revolution is coming. One day, everything we do will be replaced by a collection of digital logic. That day is not today. Tom's Guide to Deals bots may be the latest evidence that we're still a bit slow to get rid of them.

Using the OpenAI ChatGPT 3.5 API, Tom's Guide deployed its own little chatbot.

Additionally, we've cast our eyes over PC Gamer's content, trying to bring you our own thoughts on our articles. Well, when we say "thoughts," this is just a large-scale language model (LLM) resubmitting our content in a form relevant to the natural language input you give it.

Below you can check how effective it is in offering you the best deal. And if you find that it's not actually providing you with the best advice, you can return to our hub of lovingly crafted buying advice that we've hand-crafted within our team.

Using years of expert knowledge and hands-on experience with our products.
