WoW Classic trolls obliterate the largest level of hardcore raiding teams.

WoW Classic trolls obliterate the largest level of hardcore raiding teams.

A group of unfortunate players in "World of Warcraft Classic" fell victim to trolls in a truly diabolical level of dedication, planning, and sociopathic planning. The incident has been dubbed "The 5th Horseman" incident, and what is most horrifying is that the largest level raid team in WoW Classic's Hardcore mode was wiped out. Their characters and the unimaginable time it takes to reach level 60 in WoW Classic Hardcore were lost like tears in the rain.

"Without a doubt, the greatest sadness in MMORPG history is here," said GeekWithChris, explaining what led to this: "Leveling to 60, never dying, farming every mat to make every raid consumable, world buffing Huge amount of time to get and gain the trust to be the main tank for a specific boss that can wipe out a raid solo."

Huge amounts of time to gain the trust to become the main tank for a specific boss that can solo wipe out a raid.

Its raid encounters are the Four Horsemen (hence the "fifth horseman" gag), and Tinyviolin69 is one of the main tanks of the group.Tinyviolin69 has been playing with this group for about a year and has had multiple accounts banned in the past. It is unclear how he was able to gain the group's trust, as he already had a reputation as a WoW Classic griefer, to the point where he had been banned from several accounts in the past. And, given the name, it has to be said that it is a bit suspicious.

The video below shows Tinyviolin69 failing to cast and position himself in a boss fight, and everyone realizing what is going on before the boss starts wiping the group. You can hear the anguish in the communication." Did that guy just do that?" One player says, and another sadly replies, "Yeah, he did it." Thirty-six members of the group were wiped out and two survived.

An interview conducted by WoW streamer Asmongold with a Hardcore Elite player who was involved with this group provides further background: tinyviolin69 had been a member of the group for about a year, and when members were notified of this player's past When they took note of his behavior, they decided to give him a second chance; it seems that Tinyviolin69 had been playing and raiding with these players on an incredibly regular basis. Therefore, it is unclear if this was a year-long devious plan or if Tinyviolin69 simply saw an opportunity and could not resist their nature.

Here is a slightly longer clip, with commentary from someone who knows what they are talking about:

The reaction of the WoW community is almost split down the middle, with some declaring this the funniest thing they have ever seen, and others despairing at the state of humanity.

"The hc[Naxxramas] wipe must be the most legendary and decadent thing I have ever seen. ...... It was beautiful," said Stormlux. 'Tinyviolin was the fifth horseman. Noodle also summed up many of the reactions: "It's the funniest thing I've ever seen. Feels bad, but great."

"It's psycho to pretend to be friends with 40 people for a hobby and then betray them," noted Rat_Technician. However, my favorite of the anti-climactic responses was Wakewilder's, which he amusingly elevated the pathos of. Taking a character up to 60 levels in a (normal) classic feels like raising a child through the perils of adolescence and the promise of a better future. This man killed 36 babies. Did the Nuremberg Trials mean nothing?"

Is this not a war crime?

Some players simply expressed disbelief that Tinyviolin69 was able to gain the group's trust in the first place."

"I just found out that the guy I'm camping with is the axe murderer," Alagator said.

"I think it's funny that they thought to invite a member of a leopard party who eats people's faces and not have his face eaten," Daxos said.

Other players simply enjoy the meme:

Tinyviolin69 claims this was a mistake, but there is definitely laughter in their voices. If they could act like this, they would be perfect for EVE Online. But the question will always remain whether this was planned from the beginning or simply a case of the scorpion and the frog in Azeroth. If one wants to experience the classics, one will have to make the mistakes of the classics.

