20 Years Later, Major Nelson Leaves Microsoft

20 Years Later, Major Nelson Leaves Microsoft

After 20 years at Microsoft, much of it as the face of the Xbox console, Larry Hryb (known to gamers around the world as Major Nelson) is leaving the company and moving on to another career.

"After an incredible 20 years, I have decided to take a step back and tackle the next chapter of my career," Hryb tweeted.

"As I reflect on what we have done together, I want to thank the millions of gamers around the world who have made me a part of their lives. [I cherish every moment I've been able to interact with you, whether on Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Mixer, or at events around the world. Every time we shook hands, every time we were stopped on the street around the convention (which was often), every time we talked about games, every time we took a picture together. The real magic in gaming is the community that makes, plays, enjoys, and celebrates video games together: Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC, mobile ...... It doesn't matter where or how you play, it's all about the community.

Hryb joined Microsoft in 2001 as editor-in-chief of MSN Music, but moved to the Xbox program just a few years later as senior project manager. In that role, he launched the Major Nelson Radio podcast (which eventually became the Official Xbox Podcast) and made his name known to Xbox owners. 2012, he was named Senior Director of Corporate Communications, but In 2012, he became Senior Director of Corporate Communications, but maintains the last name Major Nelson, the podcast, and "working for the Xbox division that makes the coolest gaming platform on the planet," as his LinkedIn page puts it.

Nelson said he plans to "enjoy the summer in Seattle" and spend time with his family, but did not reveal more about his future plans other than to say that he is "working on a few projects."

As for the official Xbox podcast, it will be on hiatus for the summer and then will return in a new It will be resurrected in a new format.

From a PC gaming perspective, Nelson was not as high-profile as Microsoft's Xbox boss Phil Spencer, who usually takes the lead at E3-style gaming conferences and major official announcements. However, he was immensely influential, widely admired, and respected by a generation of Xbox gamers, especially during the 360 era.
