Haptic Suit Allows the Hearing Impaired to Experience Music Again

Haptic Suit Allows the Hearing Impaired to Experience Music Again

Music is one of the most wonderful things a person can experience in life, but sadly the deaf are deprived of it. However, one thing that is often said about music is that one can also feel it, especially in a live setting.

With this in mind, musician and artist Daniel Belker of Music: Not Impossible, a spin-off company of Music: Not Impossible Labs, has rekindled the deaf person's love for music. After many trials and errors, he developed a tactile suit consisting of 24 vibrating plates. The suit is shaped like a kind of backpack, with additional plates attached to the wrists and ankles.

NPR visited the Silent Disco: An Evening of Access Magic event at New York's Lincoln Center, where 75 suits were loaned to anyone who wanted one.

Rather than attempting to recreate the music with a simple beat, the suits were intended to provide a variety of sensations that complemented the music being played. The vibrations are controlled and mixed by the DJ. By mixing lighting, music (with optional headphones), and vibration, concert-goers will experience the same thing at the same time. When people are in a group, they dance and enjoy themselves when no one is watching.

One participant complimented the suits. Lily Lippman, who has a hearing processing disorder, said, "It's cool. I'm not really sure if I'm hearing what other people are hearing, so it's amazing to be able to feel those subtle nuances in my own body."

Event organizers and Not Impossible representatives also offered their praise. We are no different. It is simply wonderful to help promote inclusivity and accessibility by allowing people with disabilities to enjoy some of the things we take for granted.

Enjoying live music is one of my favorite pastimes. I don't visit as much as I used to, but seeing concertgoers enjoy something that many of us take for granted and experience, inspires me to go back to see (and hear) something else.
