Sorcerers in "Diablo 4" Can't Rest - New Super Rare Item Rewards Hours Shaved Off by Motion Sickness

Sorcerers in "Diablo 4" Can't Rest - New Super Rare Item Rewards Hours Shaved Off by Motion Sickness

Sorcerer had a terrible week. The scorched-earth style nerf to their defensive stats transformed Diablo 4's magic users from glass cannons to shattered piles of glass. This was due to Blizzard's wide-net philosophy of attacking them harder than other classes while not giving them any buffs to compensate for their barrier generation or status.

To make matters worse, the Sorcerer's new ultra-rare unique, the rare wand "Oculus," is literally vomit-inducing; Oculus gives you the teleport enchantment for free, replacing evasion with a short-range teleport. But it teleports you to a completely random location; as PC Gamer's Tyler Colp wryly puts it: "You might teleport to an action RPG that will love you."

This could technically help keep the sorcerer from being cut in half if the monster breathes in the wrong direction; see the video below, provided by reddit user dreamknoxville. Be warned that it contains lots of flashing lights and may cause motion sickness.

It is clear that the game's camera, which not only appears to be rubberbanded with a low ping but is also quite close to the ground anyway, is not designed for rapid short-range teleportation. There are no visual effects to interrupt the jump, and each teleportation results in a strange slowdown that causes the camera to brake.

I am not alone in this assessment. User so4d_st commented: "Just seeing this clip made me dizzy, imagine playing for hours like this," and user metalmike6666 wrote: "Lmfao, I literally laughed out loud. This shit is so bad it's laughable." But it's not all bad, some players seem to like the fact that this ultra-rare unique play plays really, really weird.

Still, I'm getting motion sickness just watching this in the little embedded video, and I can't imagine grinding for hours on end in these conditions. Unfortunately, the other unpopular choices in this patch make that more likely. Higher costs were added to certain Hellfire event chests, player damage was nerfed across the board, and an oddly spiteful-feeling two seconds was added to teleporting from the dungeon. That makes me feel a little sorry for Sorcerers coming into Season 1, but perhaps a defensive version of Malignant Heart will ease the pain. Until then, their class is weak, their game is slow, and all they've got is this wand that makes them sick.
