WoW players set a trap for the hapless AI article generator, tricking one site into writing about the long-awaited (and completely false) "Glorbo" feature.

WoW players set a trap for the hapless AI article generator, tricking one site into writing about the long-awaited (and completely false) "Glorbo" feature.

Good news for anyone reading this who happens to be me: my job is safe, at least for a while. Because at least I know that unlike the AI article generators looking for stories on the World of Warcraft subreddit, Glorbo will not appear.

"Glorbo" is a made-up new WoW feature created by a Reddit user named kaefer_kriegerin. When kaefer noticed that bots were prowling the WoW subreddit, ignoring verification and making threads into stories, he took it upon himself to teach them a lesson.

They wrote a breathless publicity thread about an upcoming new WoW feature called Glorbo, hoping to bait the bot into writing an article about it, and even asked that "the bot's major news sites run articles about it." That wish was granted, and it wasn't long before the site produced an article on the enthusiasm of WoW fans for the introduction of Glorbo.

"Players have expressed excitement about Glorbo's arrival and potential impact on the game," the first of four "key takeaways" from the Zleague article reads You asked aloud to the screen what impact Glorbo might have . A great question, and one that unfortunately the robot can't really answer, given that almost no one who participated in the joke on the Reddit thread wrote about what Glorbo is actually going to do.

Players are "eager for the changes Glorbo will bring to the game," it says, but warns that some users are concerned that Glorbo is "too powerful." Furthermore, some players have even accused Blizzard of being "inconsiderate to non-Glorbo players! As if they didn't have enough to worry about with the Diablo 4 patch. Zleague sagely writes, "This argument highlights the divide between players who appreciate the power boost that Klikclac provides and those who feel it unfairly disadvantages casual players."

Many other users, and even Blizzard developers, got in on the joke, including comments from other Reddit users on kaefer-kriegerin's thread about controversial features like "Klikclac" and "zoop." were picked up and folded into the AI article; on Twitter (discovered by a Wowhead human), WoW developer Kyle Hartline expressed relief that he could "finally talk about Glorbo," but Zleague was unaware of it .

The Zleague article was removed shortly after kaefer_kriegerin declared victory, but is still accessible via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Perhaps this will make AI evangelists a bit more cautious in the future about where and when to deploy the technology." It is Glorbo's world, and we are just living in it.
