Warhammer and stamp collecting collide in Royal Mail's latest collection

Warhammer and stamp collecting collide in Royal Mail's latest collection

Ever worry that your correspondence isn't grimdark enough? Have you ever worried that your correspondent doesn't understand how much you love Space Marines? Have you ever despaired that the birthday card you send to your mother doesn't include a reminder of the wonderful art in the original Rogue Trader rulebook? Royal Mail is releasing a full set of Warhammer stamps.

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of this venerable franchise (counting from the first release of the original fantasy wargame, simply called Warhammer in 1983), this collection primarily features Warhammer 40,000 and recent art and miniatures from Warhammer featuring Age of Sigmar: Age of Sigmar, including a Space Marine primer, photographs of Roboute Gilliman and Daemon Prince, Stormcast Eternal and Orc miniatures, and more. [the aforementioned Rogue Trader artwork (before Warhammer 40,000 became Warhammer 40,000), and the Battle for Skull Pass box from Warhammer Fantasy, which shows dwarves and goblins settling a long-standing grudge The set's gorgeous cover, for example, depicts dwarves and goblins making amends for long-standing grudges.

Now available for pre-order, you can not only buy stamp sheets, but also postcards, framed sets, and a metal replica of a stamp called a "stamp ingot." This makes sense, considering that at the beginning of this article I took the time to think of an example of needing to send a letter with a stamp on it in 2023.

The price is right, but it's a pretty attractive release and a great gift for the geek who likes both warhammering and stamp collecting. It might even cheer him up after the jock forces him to marry her.
