Here's how each class in Diablo 4 performs in the race to reach level 100.

Here's how each class in Diablo 4 performs in the race to reach level 100.

Diablo 4 is currently available for those who pre-ordered the Special Edition, but instead of wandering around Sanctuary stopping to smell the corpses here and there, some players are racing through the game to get to level 100 as quickly as possible.

Some of these racers are well-known streamers, and their progress is tracked by the website Diablo Builds. Competitors are divided into normal and hardcore mode players, with hardcore mode players having to start over if their character dies.

I'm not going to play Diablo 4 like a speed math competition, but I was curious to know which of the five classes the most competitive players are betting on to break 100 levels, so I took a look at the continually updated leaderboard of the Diablo Builds stream of stream of 25 players, including both normal and hardcore players, and wrote down their classes. The big winner so far is Drumroll: Rogue.

I thought Sorcerer would be the most popular - I guess I just always bet on Wizard - but it came in a convincing second. They include Kripalian, Oudjoe, Shroud, and Jizaran.

Three of these Barbarians are in the hardcore mode of the race. On the flip side, two necromancers appeared only in the Normal Mode races. OMFGoddess, a one-handed streamer, and MacroBioBoi, a Diablo 2 speedrunner who recently completed an unprecedented pacifist run in Diablo 2.

If the average player is also avoiding necromancers, now you know how to stand out: go goth. However, the average player may be more attracted to graveyard summoners than to these streamers. After the first open beta, Blizzard announced that necromancers were one of the two most popular classes.

I can't say for sure that rogues level more easily than other classes, but if you're looking for speed, I'd jump on this bandwagon. If you are one of the first 1000 people to reach level 100 in hardcore mode, Blizzard will carve your username on a statue. Personally, I suggest you get eight hours of sleep and carve your name in stone on

My class is druid and I take the middle road. Not popular, not an outcast, just a tough nature lover.
