Statistics from "Jedi: Survivor" confirm that Star Wars fans are incredibly bored.

Statistics from "Jedi: Survivor" confirm that Star Wars fans are incredibly bored.

"Star Wars Jedi: Survivor" may have entered its launch with significant performance issues, but it has nonetheless been immensely popular with Star Wars fans and fans of big-budget action-adventure games. To give a sense of how far the game has reached in the galaxy, developer EA has released statistics detailing players' cobo and other adventures.

EA's Star Wars Twitter account used the infographic to reveal that players have been defeated over 9 million times by the game's lancer. This may mean they haven't seen enough Return of the Jedi, but to be fair, Kal Kestis does not have a convenient metal door to drop on the creature's neck. Surprisingly, Rancor is a much better fighter than Rick the door technician, but the Jedi Survivor joke boss still somehow manages to defeat the player 489 times.

The main thing these numbers reveal, however, is that Star Wars fans are strict types who have little patience for whimsy. The most popular lightsaber stance is the "single," meaning that most players are playing against battle droids in the standard lightsaber stance. By comparison, only 8% of players were running around with blasters, and only 7% were in the cross guard stance, pretending to be Kylo Ren. It is worth noting, however, that since these stances are unlocked later in the game, players are less likely to use them and may not be willing to move away from their familiar playstyle. The most popular hair and beard combination is the "crew cut/short beard" and the most popular lightsaber color is white. In other words, players are doing nothing to change the Jedi Order's reputation as a bunch of boring bastards (although technically white is a novel lightsaber color).

However, Survivor Jedi are busy cleaning up after the game's various side activities. Statistics show that players have collected over 3 million in winnings, won over 8 million in holotactics, and planted over 15 million seeds in the garden above Grylls' bar.

As a middle-aged Star Wars fan, I can relate to the decision to spend more time gardening than bounty hunting, but at least I had a purple lightsaber and used all stances equally.

While it may be fun to use this statistic to make fun of Star Wars fans, these numbers don't get to the heart of what makes Jedi Survivor an improvement over the original. That would be the combination of spectacular set pieces and vastly improved combat and platforming. As Morgan points out in his review, "'Jedi: Survivor' brings back the days when third-person action games were designed like jungle gyms..... .Respawn is bringing back big-budget 3D platforming, and it's glorious. "While EA has yet to release specific sales figures, the company last reported that the sequel has been played by "millions" ahead of "Fallen Order" and is on a "very strong" pace
