Management game commemorates 30th anniversary of "Jurassic Park" movie, adds nostalgic set dressing and literal poop

Management game commemorates 30th anniversary of "Jurassic Park" movie, adds nostalgic set dressing and literal poop

"Jurassic World Evolution 2," the frontier dinosaur-controlled management game and cautionary tale of human hubris, is getting a special update to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the series (the first "Jurassic Park" was released on June 9, 1993). The update will be released on June 8 and will include a variety of memorable landmarks and trinkets from the original film.

The update brings "over 20 iconic decorative items" from the original "Jurassic Park". Namely, a statue of Mr. DNA, the colorful deoxyribonucleic mascot from the original "Jurassic Park," who can stand like Ozymandias in the center of the zoo while staff and visitors are being devoured by a pack of velociraptors.

Fans will probably recognize the power bunker from the first film, the airlock gate, and the mural from the restaurant Les Gigantes. A banner will also be displayed for "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth". Also, according to Frontier, the film's iconic "big pile of dung" can be placed anywhere you like.

Finally, Frontier boasts that the update will include "a set of classic pathways faithfully designed to resemble Jurassic Park," which you can use to control the flow of visitors around your dinosaur zoo.

In his review of Jurassic World Evolution 2, Dashiell Wood seems to be enjoying the game (mostly) and praises the suspense of constantly "waiting for the inevitable to happen." The management layers were fairly basic, but the tension of overseeing a park doomed to collapse into a bloody nightmare is truly "the only thing that could be better." It's nice to see Frontier continue to give the game its due with such nostalgic updates.
