The diabolical "Overwatch" glitch in which Mercy reduces everyone's frame rate to single digits, restores her own frame rate, and starts blasting slow speed victims.

The diabolical "Overwatch" glitch in which Mercy reduces everyone's frame rate to single digits, restores her own frame rate, and starts blasting slow speed victims.

"Overwatch 2" players have discovered a new "Mercy" bug that allows players to take entire lobbies hostage, theoretically advancing in competitive matches and annoying everyone YouTuber nsbunited calls himself an "Overwatch glitch hunter." and the Mercy bug was discovered while testing a known element of Blizzard's FPS: "During the early countdown, Overwatch teleports players who escape from the start area back to the start area."

This particular feature, called the "spawn escape mechanic," has been used in the past to discover other glitches, especially Genji's pet dragon glitch (which also had the ability to slow down the frame rate of other players). And as nsbunited says, "Mercy can now hold the Paraiso lobby hostage with a broken FPS lowering glitch."

Paraiso is a map in Overwatch 2 that may be affected by this glitch. The bug causes a buggy animation to play when standing in certain locations during setup and holding a gun. After this buggy animation plays 7-9 times, Mercy pulls out her main weapon, the staff of Caduceus, and immediately afterwards the FPS of the game begins to drop: for everyone in the lobby.

In the nsbunited video, you can see that it starts to drop from a few hundred percent and keeps dropping. Then, a nasty turn of events: when Marcy jumps off the map and kills herself, the FPS drop gets even worse. Eventually, all players will be playing games in the single digits.

And at this point, less angelic Mercy players can switch to guns and the frame rate begins to return to normal levels, while others are left in slideshow hell. At this point, Mercy is free to roam around and carry out what can only be called Mercy Killing carnage, and, of course, can easily defend or deliver a payload while doing so.

Well, Blizzard had a huge problem with glitches in Overwatch 2, so much so that at one point they had to remove Bastion and then Mei altogether. It's hard to imagine the same thing happening in Mercy, but now that this glitch and clear instructions for carrying it out are out in the open, we'll soon find out if it's as big a problem as the glitch hunters claim (as detailed at the end of nsbunited's video, players are (Note also that there are ways to counter this).

However, "Overwatch 2" is a game with much bigger problems than glitches; Blizzard recently announced that much of the planned and promised single-player content that was one of the main arguments for making "Overwatch 2" in the first place Blizzard announced that much of the planned and promised single-player content, which was one of the main arguments for making "Overwatch 2" in the first place, has been canceled. This is a game that is struggling to find an identity, so much so that some already consider "Overwatch 2" a failure.
