Whoopi Goldberg Blasts Blizzard for Not Releasing "Diablo 4" on Mac: I'm Really Pissed Off About This

Whoopi Goldberg Blasts Blizzard for Not Releasing "Diablo 4" on Mac: I'm Really Pissed Off About This

In a video reminiscent of an exiled political leader's speech, Whoopi Goldberg criticized Blizzard for not releasing Diablo 4 on her "favorite game system," the Mac.

In a clip posted yesterday on Instagram that appears to have been shot in Goldberg's cavernous shoe arsenal, the actress and comedian said that despite the more pressing crisis now affecting mankind, Diablo 4's sudden absence from Apple's She revealed that she is a bit miffed at the sudden disappearance of Diablo 4 from Apple's platform, despite the more pressing crises now affecting mankind. She blamed Blizzard for not giving Mac users enough warning that Diablo 3-Diablo 4 would not be playable on desktop platforms other than Windows. She said, "I use an Apple computer, which is what I've always used to play Diablo.

"I already bought Diablo 4!" Goldberg lamented, pleading with Blizzard to do their best for Apple fans. Blizzard Entertainment. You know I love Diablo very much! Take Diablo 4 and let us do it.

She's not asking for much to be fair, and even said she doesn't mind if Diablo 5 isn't playable on her beloved Mac, as long as she knows in advance. When we do the next launch, we can tell everyone, "If you're an Apple guy and you're not going to change to something else, we're not going to let you play it." But Goldberg apparently realized that D4 wouldn't work on his Mac only after he bought it and tried to boot it up. 'It really pissed me off!' the actress laughed.

Goldberg's plea has already been answered, although not with the promise of an immediate port of Diablo 4 to the Mac that she might have wanted Diablo's general manager, Rod Ferguson, took to Instagram to complain to Blizzard about the actress. He tweeted that he was surprised.

Honestly, I think Whoopi Goldberg has enough money saved up to buy a gaming laptop, but I sympathize with her plight anyway. As for me, who only has (whispered) a MacBook for portable computing needs, I have enjoyed many a runaway night playing "Diablo 3" on this MacBook.

Furthermore, while you and I may understand why Blizzard decided not to devote the necessary resources to a Mac port of D4, Mac users who are puzzled as to why Blizzard pulled the rug from under their feet are probably Whoopi Goldberg is not the only one.

Perhaps not to worry, though: if compatibility technology like Apple's Proton becomes widespread, Mac users may be able to enjoy games like Diablo on their iThings without companies like Blizzard having to do the heavy lifting. If not, whoopee might like "Death Stranding"?
